David Novak #NRA: If a hot sho…
David Novak #NRA If a hot shot replaced me, what would they do? Start doing that now–you know what you need to do.
David Novak: The two most powe…
David Novak: The two most powerful words in business are Thank You #NRA
David Novak: People crave reco…
David Novak: People crave recognition, even in the form of a rubber chicken. http://t.co/PJKiSrei
David Novak: Know your people …
David Novak: Know your people like you know your customers. Ask what perceptions, beliefs or habits do i need to change, build or reinforce?
David Novak: Solve your custom…
David Novak: Solve your customer’s most frequent problem. Taco Bell had 70% drive thru but messy food, so introduced portable food #NRA
David Novak: maximize your peo…
David Novak: maximize your people capability first, making them able to help your customers, thus making more profits #NRA
David Novak: you can’t reach y…
David Novak: you can’t reach your objectives on your own, so you have to take your team with you. #NRA
David Novak: Create a positive…
David Novak: Create a positive energy that spreads across the team. Start with a cheer–everyone wants to be inspired. #NRA
About to listen to David Novak…
About to listen to David Novak of Yumi Brands speak on leadership at #NRA He has 1.4M employees, so I’m interested in what he has to say.
I’m at McCormick Place Lakesid…
I’m at McCormick Place Lakeside Center (Chicago, IL) w/ 34 others http://t.co/drudYS2k