March Yoga Experience: Day 9

Today is the first day of the two-day fruit fast. I loaded up on fruit at Heinen’s and the check out lady asked me if I was making anything special. Lots of fruit salad! 🙂

Animal Medicine Card
Deer (Gentleness)

Banana, grapefruit

Apple, pear

Herbal tea

Banana, strawberries, blueberries, grapes

Morning Chat
How does my stomach feel – settled, upset, gaseous, calm? Consider and note what I ate in the past 24 hours.
Empty–in a good way, and so nice a light.

How does my body feel, in particular my head (clear, heavy, agitated)? What is my energy level like?
Doing yoga last night and eating a small meal before bed really mad me feel fantastic this morning. I was able to get up and go go go!

Evening Chat
What was my energy level like today?
My energy was good, though I was feeling a little sick in yoga class and a little headachey tonight.

Did I eat anything that produced unfavorable results or favorable ones?
The fruit is amazing and surprisingly filling.

Overall – how do I FEEL?
Just amazing! I definitely feel like I have lost some extra weight, and I feel so peaceful in my practice.